The numbers of young children getting trapped into eating disorders are on the rise. I’m seeing regular articles both in the U.S. and abroad that are commenting on the growing phenomenon. I was 14 when mine started, pretty typical. Now kids as young as eight are obsessing about their weight! There are two sides to the story.
Eating Disorders, Obesity, Alcoholism, Addiction, Superwoman, Workaholic – Is There a Link?
I find it intriguing as a society how differently we view each of these behaviors. Some are more acceptable or shall I say less offensive than others. And each comes with its own share of judgments and prejudices by onlookers.
Do You Have a Healthy Relationship With Food?
Do you eat only when you’re hungry? Is food simply fuel for your body? Is it easy for you to ignore that cookie, beer or piece of cheesecake? Do you give your body premium high-grade fuel to run on or do you exist on low-octane fuel that leaves you sluggish and in need of maintenance?
Eating Disorders — Mind and Body Disconnect
Eating disorders are a growing epidemic. When I was a young girl in the `70’s and discovered how bingeing could make me feel better by taking me away from reality I had never heard of the term bulimia. It wasn’t until the early `80s that I read an article about bulimia and started to wonder if I was bulimic.
There’s No Logic To Eating Disorders!
One of the hardest things for loved ones to understand about eating disorders is this is not a logical condition! It’s not the same as messing up on your diet because you ate two cookies when you know you shouldn’t have. Or staying out past your curfew when you know you’re going to get grounded for doing it. Those are for the most part, conscious choices.