Just what I knew would always be true is now coming to be
Once I let go of alcohol my body is just as I dreamed
Just what I knew would always be true is now coming to be
Once I let go of alcohol my body is just as I dreamed
I recently connected with Andrea Roe a fellow eating disorder survivor and author. In reading her book, You Are Not Alone (co-authored by my friend Shannon Cutts) this poem reached out to me. I’ve written recently about the effects on the family and how difficult it is for them to understand eating disorder behavior.
I was contacted recently by Deb Beaulieu a fellow blogger and member of Parents Who Click. She struggled with an eating disorder in her life and asked if I would be willing to be interviewed on her blog. She did a great job of asking interesting questions and has a great blog. Here’s an excerpt.
The bombshell drops. Your precious little girl or boy has an eating disorder. For some parents they suspect and have to figure out how to confront their child. For others, they are blissfully unaware until their child confides in them. 85% of eating disorders start between the ages of 13-20.
Tonight we are starting a new support group for eating disorders in Glendale, CA. The group is open to individuals looking for help to overcome their eating disorder and also open to parents, families and loved ones who long to understand more about them. Unfortunately eating disorders come with a stigma that often makes people […]