Recently I was introduced to Martha by a friend and fellow speaker who is also dedicated to helping young people in college. Martha shared with me her desire to pay it forward and share her story of recovery from anorexia to inspire others to follow the same path she has and begin living again. I’m so pleased to share this article with you.
Do You Feed Your Child’s Eating Disorder?
For a parent it can be difficult to understand how their young son or daughter developed anorexia or bulimia or became obese. Most parents don’t typically intend to knowingly cause issues for your kids. But in working with teens with eating disorders and their parents it’s interesting to see how many times parents aren’t tuned in to the messages that are being given to their child.
Find Freedom from Your Eating Disorder with a Coach
You’re familiar with the traditional forms of treatment and may have tried them all: Inpatient, residential, outpatient, intensive out patient, counseling, and various forms of group therapy. But are you aware of the benefits of working with an eating disorder coach?
Interview with Deb Beaulieu Blog
I was contacted recently by Deb Beaulieu a fellow blogger and member of Parents Who Click. She struggled with an eating disorder in her life and asked if I would be willing to be interviewed on her blog. She did a great job of asking interesting questions and has a great blog. Here’s an excerpt.
Set Solid Boundaries and Own Your Space
By Lori Hanson Are you good at setting boundaries? With family, friends, coworkers, boyfriends, girlfriends or significant others? So many people have low self-esteem and many just haven’t learned communication skills that can help them set boundaries and communicate their feelings or desires to other people in their lives. For adolescent girls this can be really […]