There are two potential ways to answer “yes” to this question. The first group will readily respond an energetic “Yes!” because they live a lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, exercise, balance and happiness. The second group will answer no because they don’t even see that their lifestyle is selfish. They life on a river in Egypt called Denial.
Contemplation, Comparison and Countless Errors
You don’t hear men talking about how they wish they were built like Joe who is tall and thin, or Moe who has a solid muscular build. Just thinking about that makes me laugh. Can you hear the conversation of guys at a bar over beers pointing at a Zac Ephron type on the dance floor saying “Oh man, I wish I was built like Zac. I’ve simply got to hit the gym more and eat less so I can look just like Zac because that’s what the girls want.”
What’s “Right” In Your Life?
By Lori Hanson Do you remember being told by your teacher (or parents) to focus? I can still hear the words, “focus, focus!” being shouted at me. Concentration wasn’t something I came blessed with. Often when I was practicing violin or piano or reading several chapters of my homework my mind was off somewhere else. […]