How often do you experience synchronicity in your day-to-day life? You know, that thing that happens that is just perfect, at the perfect time and either completely unexpected, or something you were looking for that blows you away when it shows up?
Use Your Senses to Connect with Feeling Good
Did you know that one of the most important things to being happy and getting what you want in life is simply to stay in the place of feeling good? Sounds too simple to be true doesn’t it? That’s because we often over complicate what we need to do in life to grow, achieve more, and get better results.
Inspiring Women through Women’s Vision Foundation
ANYTHING is possible: Once you upgrade your operating system. It was held at the Denver Country Club and we had a room full of about 70 women all anxious to learn how to change their beliefs to achieve ANYTHING they want to. The program included both group and individual exercises to help the women get a feel for how to make a significant shift in their thinking that will help them reach not just some–but ALL of their dreams. We also shared some great stories and laughs.
Tools You Need to be the Comeback Kid
By Lori Hanson In my last post I talked about three key ingredients you need to engineer a comeback. As promised, today we’ll dig a little deeper into each one. 1. Develop Mental Awareness To further our discussion on developing mental awareness, first take a look around. What is working and what isn’t working well […]
Life is all about the Comeback
Just like the NBA Finals, the US Open, the French and the upcoming Tour de France and Wimbledon, life is a series of comebacks. How persistant are you? How much do you want what you want? Enough to continue pushing and believing until you’ve achieved it?