What is it you want to manifest in your life in 2016? What one thing would you be ecstatic to say you’ve accomplished a year from now? Got a picture of it in your head? Now don’t start with all the excuses why you can’t have it, or don’t know how to get it. Stop […]
Two Words to Keep Top of Mind
What do you do to keep inspired, to keep your attitude positive which in turn keeps your life GPS pointed in a healthy direction? Whether you are aware of it right now or not, you have dominant thoughts. You know, the ones you go to sleep thinking about, and when you awake they are right […]
Up, Up and Away
For some reason whenever I travel my brain opens up. I mean really opens up. As soon as the airplane lifts off the ground it’s as if the expanse of the sky has literally penetrated my brain with a huge influx of air as if to take the deepest breath I’ve had in months.
Feeling High on Life!
Don’t you love it when you come out of a period that feels like a holding pattern? All the sudden you get the breakthrough, feel the surge of new energy and you could swear the world is your oyster. I just love life—the ups, the downs, the holding patterns because it will always change. Even when it feels like you’re under or behind an immovable object you know it’s going to move, eventually.
Life can be so much easier than we make it. When we are babies it’s so simple: Hungry? Cry. Diapers wet or dirty? Cry. Happy? Smile, coo and giggle. We communicate what we need and want clearly.
There are no politics or hidden agendas or self-limiting beliefs when you’re a couple of months old.