Don’t you love it when you come out of a period that feels like a holding pattern? All the sudden you get the breakthrough, feel the surge of new energy and you could swear the world is your oyster. I just love life—the ups, the downs, the holding patterns because it will always change. Even when it feels like you’re under or behind an immovable object you know it’s going to move, eventually.
Hope, Faith and Joy: A Christmas Story
When Kevin and Karen found out they were expecting their first child and the baby would arrive in December they were ecstatic. Both Karen and Kevin were crazy about Christmas, were looking forward to welcoming their child into the world to help them celebrate in their favorite time of year.
Want to grow your business and reach your goals?
If you are a business owner, chances are you always have an eye out for new and better ways to offer your products and services to people that will result in increased profitability for you. After all, if you aren’t profitable, how can you continue to serve your clients or customers?
What’s the fastest way to YOUR Olympic-sized Success?
Okay, so obviously we’re not all headed to the Olympics, but what is your Olympic-sized dream? What have you “been going to do” for a long time and either can’t get started or have failed a time or three? The way you learn is life is by setting big goals that will stretch you and learning how to break them down into manageable piece so you can achieve them. But, there are a few things that must be added into the recipe for success.
New Parenting Book: Do I Get My Allowance Before or After I’m Grounded?
When I was 16 I thought it was my Dad’s goal in life to make me miserable. I was convinced
that he had a running list of all the ways he could embarrass me in front of my
friends, trick me into doing more chores or make my curfew earlier.
New parenting book!