If you are a business owner, chances are you always have an eye out for new and better ways to offer your products and services to people that will result in increased profitability for you. After all, if you aren’t profitable, how can you continue to serve your clients or customers?
If you’ve tried on-line advertising such as Google AdWords or other pay-per-click advertising you find out very quickly that this is an expensive way to advertise–and you don’t know that your ads will drive your ideal client or customer to your site. So the rate of return is sketchy at best. And if you’re in an industry that is competitive the ads and AdWords are crazy expensive to land on the first page.
So how do you catch people’s attention, so you can help them? One really good way to do it is by speaking. With speaking you can reach small or large groups vs. many one-on-one conversations. And while you speak you can share your products and services with the audience who wants just what you have…without sounding like a slimy, “Do you want to drive it home today?” salesperson.
I recently met a woman who has developed a system for helping female business owners improve their business through speaking. Her name is Ava Diamond and she has a wealth of experience and a ton of content that she shares on this topic. And what’s great is she offers her programs in various formats from tele-classes to individual and group coaching.
If you are looking for a way to grow your business so you can help more people–and have ever considered speaking–or never considered speaking, you’ve got to talk to Ava. She’ll enlighten, inspire and send you sprinting down the path you’ve been looking for. Contact Ava today, and tell her Lori Hanson sent you. ava@nullavadiamond.com. You won’t regret it.
Remember, ANYTHING is Possible!
Coach Lori
YOU ROCKED YOUR SONG! It was so great to see you there!