By Lori Hanson
I’m off to speak at Cherry Creek High School on Friday for Teen Awareness Week. I think it’s really awesome that the Student Senate proactively put together a full day program to inform and inspire their students. I’m speaking during four different periods and will be in the library signing books in between.
I’ll be sharing my story of recovery from bulimia to help them understand the dangers of perfection and obsession. I’m also talking with them about stress and sharing ways they can use to cope with teenage life and hopefully avoid addictive behaviors. We’ll have a discussion about self-esteem and how to maintain a healthy dose of confidence and belief in themselves and we’ll talk about the power of their thoughts. I find it interesting that many young kids have never heard of affirmations and don’t realize how their negative thinking, focus and comments affect their lives. I’m honored to be able to share information from my years of studying self-improvement with them.
The students at Creek will be the first to see my second book hot off the press! I also now have Personal Power earrings and bracelets that go with the Personal Power necklaces I designed. I don’t have them or the book up on the website yet, but will after this weekend.
By the way, Saturday I’ll be at the LA Times Festival of Books. If you’re in LA, stop by and see me. I’ll be at the Haven Books booth 602 in zone F all day Saturday. And I’ll be giving out FREE vegan Pastry-Tarts my own creation made with spelt flour. They were a huge hit in Denver last January.
Thank you