Christmas is one week from today. How are you feeling about the holidays this year? This can be a time of hope and inspiration, a time of depression, a time to enjoy being with family, or a time when you loathe family get togethers.
3 Easy Steps to Eliminate Holiday Stress
Are you starting to get sucked in? Feeling the pressure of OMG it’s the holidays and I have so much to do I can’t see straight? Are you ready to scream “Calgon, take me away!”?
Before you let stress get the best of you, remember you are in control. Seriously, you are in control.
Sharing the Word and Empowering Women
It’s such a common theme, women who feel stuck, overwhelmed, and don’t know where to turn to even start to change their pattern. Since being back in Denver I’ve had many opportunities to get out and speak at local corporate events and share the Learn2Balance message—primarily with women.