How big do you show up everyday—100%?
Are your efforts always something you’re proud of, or is there room to improve?
If you stop to ask yourself right now, what’s the biggest accomplishment toward your goal today could you answer quickly or would you have to ponder awhile to figure it out?
When you’re focused on your goal and your priorities are aligned with your goal, everything points in the direction you’re headed. You should be able to brush off little distractions easily.
One of the gifts you receive when you’re focused on your creative energy and achieving a goal is that the Universe will show you and bring you obstacles and challenges that need to be solved or overcome to reach the next step.
How do you handle those? Do you get stuck, frustrated or complain about why you just can’t make any headway?
- Life’s too busy to eat better, workout and lose weight
- You can’t control your schedule to create the new plan that’s in your head because the family schedule is jam packed with activities
- You don’t know where the money will come from to fund your new plan
When you’re distracted by the road blocks, it’s easy to get discouraged, to complain and for some to give up completely. But this is just the process of reaching the goal! The clearer your mind is when you work on your goal the easier it will be to achieve.
What if you set a little mind-clearing goal for the next 30 days? This is a one that most people I know need to work on, and it’s relatively simple to do. Although it will take some vigilance on your part. By doing this exercise for the next 30 days, you’ll find you feel empowered, have more energy, a much brighter outlook on life and you’ll develop a clear plan for where you’re headed. Ready?
Make a commitment that for the next 30 days you will not complain! No complaining for 30 days, period. If you find yourself starting to complain, find the positive spin on the situation and express gratitude for it. This will rapidly help you to be 100% invested in what you want.
Complaining is draining.
Set yourself free and soar higher than everyone you know who complains.
You can do it. I believe in you.
PS – I want to hear from you in 30 days!
Coach Lori