How nice would it be if during your daily conversations the other person took YOUR needs into consideration first? So you didn’t spend time during the conversation wondering, “what’s in it for me?”
Instead in this busy, digital world, everyone is rushing, running and trying to get their own “To Do List” done. So their perspective is, all about them. And for those few moments when you might wonder what other people think after you speak up in a meeting, or you responded a little too harshly or quickly—the truth is that you’re just an extra in everyone else’s play. Other people aren’t tuned in to you (how you look, what you’re wearing, how gifted you are) as much as you might think.
Busy people make promises they can’t keep (or don’t intend to) and there you are left holding the bag; the list of things that need to be done to meet your deadline, plan the special event, or close the deal. It happens too often, doesn’t it?
What if you made a conscious decision to shift your perspective? To focus on the other people in your life first, to attempt to understand what they are really saying whether it’s email, a text or conversation. Because if you stop and think about how it would feel if people did that for you—that could be really motivating, right?
I have a business friend that I always enjoy getting together with. No matter what’s happening, she always asked me questions, focuses the conversation on me to a point that I never doubt her vested interest in the conversation. I’ve learned over the years that until I stop and say, “Hey, this isn’t all about me, what’s happening in your world?” she will continue to focus on me. And I’ll admit it is really refreshing!
What if you strive to be more giving and less of a taker in interactions with others?
Are you up for a challenge that will improve your quality of life?
By making a commitment you’ll create growth in your life that will boost your attitude, make you feel great and maybe even help you get unstuck in some area of your life.
This challenge is to make a commitment to do something.
For the next week, make a commitment to be more interested in the person you are communicating with. Even if you’re having a conversation because you need something, tune in to them first. Give what you want to receive. It will help you to be more present, in the moment, not thinking about where you need to be, or who you need to call, or how far you’ve fallen behind today and definitely does not include multi-tasking or being on your phone when your with someone else.
Then before next Wednesday, post to this blog and tell me about your experience(s) and what keeping this commitment did for you—how it felt, what happened. Just keeping the commitment requires being present and that alone will put you in a better place.
I can’t wait to hear your stories! Just post them below.
In Gratitude,
Lori, The Success Whisperer