There is a place to find calm amid the chaos, the spreading of fear that is moving at a rapid pace. All you need to do is allow it, and create a time and space for it. If you are keen to stay informed, manage it in bite-size pieces vs. getting fully consumed in all […]
Are you FREE?
What is the quality of your life today? Do you feel FREE or do you feel like a slave to your job, family, errands and deadlines? Do you plan for and determine the outcomes in your life or do you ride along on audo-pilot and let them be happen to you?
Do you get upset about things that happen? Or do you go with the flow knowing that everything that is happening in your life happens for a reason and it’s all good? The events in our life happen for a reason, there are no accidents.
Learn2Balance Retreat in the Rockies
Our bodies function the same way, however, many of us seem to think we can’t take time out to do simple routine maintenance…slowing down and just “being.” We neglect to tune into our hearts, reconnect with our spirit and find the joy within us that will refresh and rejuvenate us for the next leg of the journey. If we don’t slow down, our bodies break down…and put us flat on our backsides until we get the message.