Let me tell you about my Interview with Jack Canfield.
Recently I manifested a full-circle event. I’ve known of, and followed Jack Canfield since before his Chicken Soup for the Soul® books became a household name. I was given the tapes (yes, cassette tapes!) of his Self-Esteem and Peak Performance seminar when I was coming out of my divorce in 1996.
I had zero self-esteem at that point. Jack helped me not only to improve my self-esteem, he also taught me how to set and achieve goals. The timing was perfect as I had just landed my first sales job.
Can you imagine being selected to be interviewed by someone you consider your mentor for nearly 30 years? I was invited to his home in Santa Barbara to conduct the interview. It was a wonderful trip (I love Santa Barbara), beautiful weather, and a great conversation with Jack.
This is a little longer ~24 minutes. Block some time for it, I highly recommend watching the entire interview. Jack made a comment at the end that was unexpected and really blew me away.
The bonus? The next week after we taped this interview, Jack announced he was retiring in 2025. That’s what I call manifesting great timing!