From the moment you wake and open your eyes to regain awareness, to the moment you close your eyes and slip back into slumber you have ~ 50,000 thoughts per day.
That my friends, is a lot of self-talk, mixed in with yelling at other drivers, or the kids, attempting to explain something again to the person who works for you, or whom you work with. 50,000 thoughts! What are yours focused on?
- Do you start your day by thinking about everything you need to do?
- Do you begin your day by bitching at yourself for not getting up earlier?
- What thoughts do you have when you greet yourself in the mirror in the morning?
- Where are your thoughts drifting to while you’re driving to work or running errands?
- What thoughts do you have during meetings at work, or while talking to someone on the phone?
How many of those thoughts you have involve judgment? Now that’s something to ponder…
How many of your daily thoughts are focused in a healthy direction—on positive things?
How many of your daily thoughts are angry, negative and would be downright embarrassing if someone else could hear them?
But most importantly…how many of your daily thoughts are focused on what is happening right now, being in the moment? Every moment you spend thinking about the future (and getting anxious) or reminiscing on the past (and how upset you are) are moments you can’t replace.
Think about this: If you are only in the present moment, being totally tuned in to the experience that’s happening right now, there are no problems! Take a minute and read that again. No problems? How can that be? Because if you aren’t looking back, or looking forward, you are in the moment and absorbing the experience you’re having. That’s living fully—being in the moment.
Granted some moments feel better than others, but by feeling the emotion of the moment and letting it go, you won’t get trapped, or feel the need to push it down and bury it for the next 20 years. It will just be an emotion that you experienced.
If you want to enjoy life more, find more success, and be happier, stop complaining and start expressing gratitude for what you have. Do you have a job? Do you have food, transportation, clothing that fits, shoes to wear, a place to live? Many people don’t.
So I’ll ask you again, how is your day, or more accurately, how are your ~ 50,000 thoughts per day divided?
This is why I start my day with meditation and writing in my gratitude journal. It sets my thoughts on the path I want to follow.
Will you join me for the next 7 days and consciously start your day focused on positive, uplifting thoughts? Email me back with this phrase, “I commit to start my days positively!”