Today, I got to enjoy one of the best things about being an Executive Coach, the celebration of watching a client manifest (achieve) a goal she set.
The first thing she said was, “I have some good news to tell you!” And from the smile on her face, I immediately knew and said, “You got a new job?!”
“Yes!” She said as she beamed from ear to ear. I could feel her energy and excitement from the other side of the country, as though she was sitting right here in my office. “I still can’t believe it,” she said.
These are the moments that make what I do matter. Seeing a client succeed at stepping out, going after what they want and reaching their next-level. It is Magical!
How Executive Coaching Clients Find Me
This client’s journey started as many of them do. She heard me speak for a women’s group at her company and said she connected with me immediately. I extended an invitation that day to spend more time together, by joining my Accelerator Coaching Course. She said, “I knew I had to take this class,” and she signed up.
Initially, she was a bit unsure of herself—she was starting a new career.
You remember how that feels, right?
Everyone has more experience than me.
Am I good enough?
What if I mess something up?
Yet she was open, and allowed herself to be vulnerable, which allowed us to dig in and begin the shift.
She set her goals, one of which was more money and a flexible work environment—remote would be ideal!
We worked on visualizing what she wanted, and created affirmations for her to use.
Part of the process was understanding her motivation for making a change.
Once she got clear on that, it made it easy for her to take action.
Why Your Brain Chemistry Matters
I’m a firm believer in balancing your brain chemistry and body before setting the big goals.
It’s something very unique that I do with all of my coaching clients.
When you’re operating on all cylinders and not depleted, it’s much easier to set a big goal and embrace the courage and confidence to go after it. To reach your “next-level.”
She admitted to me today she was a bit skeptical when we first discussed her brain chemistry and what my 28-day Cleanse for Clarity could do for her. But, she said, “I trusted you,” and went all in.
She took the Brain Chemistry Test and her mood neurotransmitters were significantly depleted. I knew she would feel better, sleep better, show up better, be more confident, and have more patience and energy by following my mood neurotransmitter protocol.
Cleanse for Clarity Before You Set Goals
The cleanse is where I ask my clients to start.
If your brain is foggy and energy is sluggish and your clothes don’t fit as you’d like, my Cleanse for Clarity brings a welcome reset, coupled with a boost of clarity and motivation. (With a bonus of feeling really good in your skin and clothes).
About 3 weeks in to her 28 days, she said, “This is the best I’ve ever felt. People are asking me what I’m doing!”
She completed the cleanse while working through a very challenging personal time and stayed true to the plan.
After completing her cleanse, she was glowing. Her skin, her eyes, her smile and her energy had all shifted.
Her attitude was upbeat and very positive despite the drama happening in her world.
This is why I ask clients to do the cleanse.
How Private Life Coaching Helps
After her cleanse, she made the decision to continue coaching privately.
She said “I want to keep the momentum going, I like having a Life Coach.”
She experienced a couple of backslides as we all do. It’s never the flip of a switch to shift well-defined patterns and beliefs.
This is why having a coach who provides encouragement, accountability and tools for you to use is so important.
It facilitates your journey and helps you to find the path of least resistance. You reach your destination more quickly with less life bruises.
One things my clients tell me they appreciate about me is, I hold the mirror up for them, I call them out on their BS and challenge them and help them up when they fall and get stuck.
(I’m often told the spouse or partner of my coaching clients love me because of how this helps at home.)
So my client started interviewing, and got a lot of practice before the one that mattered the most.
People kept telling her she wouldn’t get the money she wanted, she wouldn’t find a fully remote gig and she kept at it.
She used tools I gave her, let go of when and how it would happen and stayed calm and confident.
And voila! she got what she wanted.
Reach Your Next-Level with an Executive Coach
She was ready for her “next-level” because we worked on her vision, defined her strategy, shifted her mindset and aligned her voice and energy. This allowed her to connect with a new position through the magic of synchronicity—isn’t that the best way?
The Result?
She now has an offer to work fully remote; will be in an environment that is flexible and feels more like a family; in a company that is in growth-mode which provides upward mobility for her.
The best part? She will enjoy a 30% salary increase with her new position!
That is manifesting what you want.
YOU can live a magical life when you understand the keys to making things happen.
It’s hard to do alone because you cannot see your blind spots, you get discouraged and start beating up on yourself.
That’s a pretty normal cycle, especially for women—even amazing, successful female leaders and executives, just like you.
Hey, I’m just here to remind you…
You Have NO Limits!
P.S. If you’re ready to align with your inner Alpha Female, to be a courageous and influential leader and have some fun being a badass.
Let’s have a quick chat. Schedule 15 mins with me.