Do you golf? Have you ever swung a golf club? It’s rather counterintuitive. In order to hit the ball farther you’ve got to loosen your grip. My ole’ baseball swing and grip just don’t cut it on the driving range or golf course. But it feels so weird!! How can you hit farther if you’re grip on the club is like holding glass stemware?
Funny that when you finally take the leap of faith and give it a try you get a big “AHA!”
(Then you spend the next twenty minutes attempting to replicate that one wonderful, free-flowing swing.)
Ah – but you’re not a golfer and have never swung a club, it’s okay. You can practice with a yard stick and discover what I’m taking about. Choke the living daylights out of the yard stick and how does it swing? Rather rigid, huh? Lighten up your grip and “whip” lookout!
Walk with me, over this way for just a minute. No—over here! Let’s imagine the golf club represents an issue in life you’re dealing with. What happens if you hold on to the golf club really tight? It can’t move very well can it? In other words, you just made the issue your new best friend, it’s not going anywhere. But if you lighten up your grip and don’t laser focus on it, but instead feel it swinging easily on the path you want it to go…voila! The issue (golf club) just found the perfect swing path.
Where did your golf ball end up? It may not be where you expected it to go. It might have taken a radical bounce, hit the flag stick and dropped in the hole for an Eagle. Or it could have bounced off a rock, hit a tree and landed on a sprinkler head where you don’t have a solid stance and have to shoot over a tree to reach the green. Just a bad bounce.
And so it is in life. We can’t predict the outcome—your issue will resolve in the best way possible for where you’re at in life. It may land you in an even better place than you anticipated. So instead of stressing about how you can increase your income or bring in more sales. Put your thoughts on what it feels like to have it and what you’ll do with it.
You still set the intention and goal for the outcome you want, but then let go of how it resolves. In order to reach a goal you have to take action right? That doesn’t change, take the actions needed, be diligent and consistent. But don’t be in a hurry and wonder where your resolution is. It will show up when the timing is right. Issues at work that are driving you crazy? We’ve all been there. Carve up a big serving of patience and ask what you can learn from this situation. As I recently shared with one of my clients, “This situation is happening to you because there is something you need to learn from it.” Don’t put it all on the jerk at work.
Want more flow, beauty and abundance in your life? Release your grip, let go of control and watch what happens. And advice coming from a driven, Type A who used to think she had to control everything. Once I let go, I found out what it feels to live in flow. Everything I want, everything I express gratitude for, all my desires are showing up one right after the other. It’s amazing!
Want to life an incredible life and realize YOUR dreams? Contact me, today. Do not wait.
I’ve only got three spots open for performance coaching in 2016, call today and reserve your seat. Set bigger goals that you think you can reach and let’s create a plan together to get you there. Live life on your terms.
Coach Lori