Warm June Greetings!
It’s been an interesting Spring here at LHI.
My energy has to be aligned in a positive place for me to connect with you – and it just wasn’t.
But I found the reset button have re-engaged again. It always feels good to be grounded and centered doesn’t it? It happens to all of us. And even though I have many tools and techniques and processes that I’ve used for years, sometimes the funk just hits and you’ve got to ride it out, knowing that the sun is shining above the clouds. Ahhh…
World of Wildlife
I’ve been enjoying the wildlife along my street and in the neighborhood.
Do you have a “sign” that when you see it, you know everything is good? Or a magic song? I have both.
Whenever I see a deer it’s my sign, that all is well with my world.
Just like this morning, walking the dogs, a deer was crossing the street about 100 yards in front of us. Fortunately Snowi and Nanook are chill and don’t attempt to go after them.
When I see elk, which is rare, that is a bonus.
Just last week, 13 cows and their young were walking up the bluff.
I sat and watched them for several minutes. We’ve even had a bear in our neighborhood.
The sweetest and quite unique thing is the baby Yak just down the street.
We did have an encounter recently. While walking past the enclosure where they sometimes are, I didn’t see them, but Nanook was pulling like crazy to get to the fence. All the sudden daddy Yak puffs his chest out, walks toward us and says, “stay away from my baby!” The two other adult Yaks came at us, and the baby was right there! But…NOT the best time to attempt to get a photo, as Nanook wanted a close up with Mr Yak. My sole focus was moving past the fence and distracting Nanook. Whew!
Why am I sharing this with you? As a reminder to BE in the moment.
To slow down and observe what is happening around you.
And to appreciate and be grateful for the beauty, nature and abundance that surrounds you.
In any moment where you are in awe of life and what it brings you…that’s a special place.
What’s Happening at LHI?
We completed our Accelerate your Path to Satisfaction & Success Coaching Program in May.
This was a powerful program with big ROI.
Last month I took an overnight trip to Salida, CO to attend the Power of WE Conference.
(WE is for Women Entrepreneur.) I’m so intrigued by the “enlightened” events being held in smaller rural cities. It was so well put together.
School District Group Coaching
I received a heart-felt recommendation from Dr. Susan Harkin, CUSD School Superintendent in Chicago about the work we did through a group coaching program for her female administrators (badass principals!) during the shut down.
She met with them recently as she prepared to retire and they mentioned how much this helped them. I’m always grateful to hear how this work makes a difference in the life of clients. You can read it here
Next Level Leadership Forum
(for women)
June 26: Office Hours call
4-5:00 MT
Jul 10: Group Coaching call
4-5:30 MT
The Women’s Forum is such a powerful place to slow down, get centered, get guidance and refocus. Our attendees love the experience from attending and how it lifts them up and keeps them going.
Register Today
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