There are times in your world when you encounter stress from the outside that you just cannot control. When I moved into my new home and neighborhood, one thing I failed to consider was that I would have ongoing construction around me for months. I had to adjust to that quickly as it was all around.
What I didn’t anticipate is that the beautiful field behind me would be torn apart beginning three months after I moved in. I knew eventually more houses would be built there. Five months worth of multiple earth movers, cement trucks, and the stress of “beep, beep, beep,” all day long. They met their timeline and things calmed down to my delight…I could finally enjoy my deck and warm weather with the dogs.
That lasted maybe a day, before they installed a mobile sales trailer and the noisiest generate I’ve ever heard, right outside my bedroom window. When I inquired on the timeline, they said it would be 6-8 weeks max before they had electric. Okay, that was doable by the end of October it would be gone.
Three weeks ago they started construction on the road behind my house. Last week I got my very own personal “mobile” mind you, stoplight aligned right off my deck! (It’s been moved a few feet in the photo.) Even though this is a small two lane road, there is a fair amount of traffic in the am/pm. These commuters are very put off my the light and waiting there. One driver sat at the light on Monday morning at 5:30 am honking at it. Nothing like driving to bring out your bratty inner six year old!
I will admit it’s been a challenge because I work from home—the barrage of noise, from beep, beep, beeping, and rumble and vibration from the heavy equipment is constant. I feel it in my shoulders by the end of the day and it is exhausting. Sunday is the only day they allow me to have some peace and quiet.
During the most frustrating times, I’ve told myself that all of this is preparing for someone else’s dream home. It was that or scream, be a bitch and have a crabby attitude for months—which I refuse to do.
It’s my morning ritual that gets me through this, that helps me set the stage for how I will show up and function in the world each day. Taking time to be still, go inside and focus on what I want to manifest each day keeps me centered, grounded and focused on what’s really important vs the distractions, stressors and things I cannot control.
I’ve created a space where I light wonderful candles, have soothing music and relax into my “ME” time. Evenings, after my coaching sessions are completely devoted to physical detox, relaxation and rejuvenation.
The next time you encounter something you cannot control, be it short-term, or longer-term like mine, remember you have a choice how you frame it, process it and whether you hold on to it in anger, or release it and let it go.
You get to make the choice to can use the vibration, stress and your attitude to start your day off wallowing in “poor me,” ugliness and irritation or, you can make the choice to begin with a positive spin and set your expectations to have a phenomenal day! I choose the second option, and you?