We all have them. Those annoyances that drive you crazy. The boss, the employee, the neighbor, the drama. Before you realize it you get sucked in. You analyze it over and over in your mind, it’s there when you go to sleep, and waiting for you when you wake up. You’re getting stressed out about it.
The longer it continues the more it affects your body in addition to your mind. You feel tired, lack energy, you’re grumpy and bitching about everything.
What if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture? In this journey of life how important is this? If the home loan fell through, it wasn’t the right house, or the right time to buy a house—that’s a cleverly disguised blessing. If you lost a big deal with a new prospect, it wasn’t a deal you really wanted. If you lose your job, you’re free to move on to an even better opportunity.
But when you’re in the midst of the drama, like the eyes of the storm, remind yourself that you’re right where you’re supposed to be! The Universe is plotting to do you good, as W. Clement Stone says.
Put it in context and keep focused on where you want to go and who you want to be. Feel the negative emotions and let them go. Let go of all the negative thoughts. If you take out your wide angle lens and view the situation through the cycle of your life—is this something that will matter in a year from now?