If you’ve ever watched a horse race, you know what the starting gate is.
The place where the horses and jockeys get revved with anticipation to Take Action, bust through the gate and run the race…to the finish line.
This video highlights things for you to contemplate as you begin your New Year. Some best practices for reflection, adjustment and ways to get you amped up for the things you want to have checked off the list by the end of this year.
Even more exciting and inspirational, this creates the foundation for what you want to celebrate on December 31st. The BIG Win, the BIG Step Forward, the SMALL but scary step out of your comfort zone.
Take a few minutes to watch this video…and think about what and where you’re going to start this year.
Remember, once you set a goal and put your focus on it, obstacles will show up, the things you need to navigate, negotiate, or slay along the way!
You Have NO Limits!
The Success Whisperer
PS – Don’t give up. Be one of the 20% who keep at it, all year long!