It’s already nearing the end of August. And I’m in quite a bit of denial. I love summer, long days, warmer weather, sleeping with the window open—being outdoors, taking long walks and golfing.
Yet the seasons give us the opportunity to evaluate where we are, what’s happening in our lives and adjust course if you’re not exactly where you want to be.
The world is full of events and opportunities. Many things that can take your focus off of where you’re headed. And just like steering your car, if you turn your focus off the destination for too long, you will take the scenic route—potentially through the cow pasture!
The past year and a half have offered up challenges, drama, over-politicized vantage points and opportunity. Have you been derailed from what is most important by the negativity, the news, the over-stimulation of nastiness in the world?
I sent out a survey last Friday to my email readers and I’ve just shortened it to ONE (multiple choice) Question—with all the changes in life since March of 2020, it’s important to re-calibrate, and ensure I’m focusing on what you want and need to continue to grow and be successful both personally and professionally.
As we’re creating our calendar of classes and events for the next six months, I want your opinion and input on how I can support you. Will you take a minute to answer this one-question?
I KNOW everyone is asking for something now. I went to the ATM the other day and got an email asking how my experience was at the ATM. Really? I thought about replying to say the ATM wasn’t smiling, lol.
Yet, I do hope this is a bit more personal to you. You know I care and you know I’m committed to feeding and fueling you with a boost of inspiration, something to make you laugh, and most of all tools, seminars and retreats (fingers crossed for resuming next year) so you can recharge, grow as a person and BE amazing.
Answer One Question
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In Gratitude – The Success Whisperer