Can you remember back to January 1st? What was the one goal you really wanted to reach this year, that you haven’t done anything about yet? Have you taken the time to look back at the goals you set for the year? Do you know how many you’ve completed or are on schedule with?
I post my goals in a couple of places. And I know from doing my morning meditation and affirmations what goal is the highest priority right now. And when I complete a goal, I run to the place where my list is and cross off the goal with the date I’ve completed it. And it always feels so good!
I’ve made great progress this year on my financial goals, went to Hawaii as planned for my niece’s wedding and took steps to ensure I have time with my mentor at one of his seminars in August.
But there is one goal that I haven’t put into action yet. And it’s one that I’m really excited about doing. Time—that is my excuse for why this one hasn’t been put into action yet. Funny thing is I’m really inspired by this one, it’s a new VIP seminar I’m going to offer on a monthly basis that will be limited to only eight people. It’s powerful, life boosting content.
So last weekend when I looked at my list of 2016 goals, I gave myself a deadline for June 30th to launch the new seminar. That pushes me into action. Now the wheels are churning and as soon as I get back from my Mastermind Weekend Retreat in Vail with my Performance Coaching Clients this is number one on the list.
Just by putting a date on it, I’ve got the pendulum swinging. I know the first five things I need to do and those go on the To Do list for this week. The unknowns get answered as I work through the process. My reward simply for taking action.
Time was my issue, for this goal. However, fear is a common reason for not taking action. You’re imagining all the things that could go wrong, you’re letting all the things scare you, or maybe you’re afraid to fail. Guess what? You get feedback when things don’t work as expected. So there is no failure, just information to help you with the next step.
Take five minutes to review your goals and desires for this year. What’s on track? What have you completed? And where do you need help to get in motion? Call me this week, and let’s create a plan to get you in motion toward your brighter, happier future!