Do you ever have those days when you’re just off? You can’t settle down, you’re unproductive and you don’t know why? It’s really difficult to be in that place, isn’t it? You just can’t focus and you feel uncomfortable. Things may feel a bit sideways and you’re probably looking for a reason.
What do you typically do when you’re in that state? Most people I know will do anything to make it go away, to numb out and hide until it passes. You get really busy and exhaust yourself so you can’t feel that uncomfortable feeling, or you grab the cookie, the chocolate, or pig out on pizza. Maybe you hurry to finish whatever you’re doing so you can go have a drink and feel that “ahhh?”
We don’t like feeling uncomfortable. In our society we’ve learned to do whatever we can to make it go away, because God forbid you just feel it and deal with it. But wait a minute!
There is incredible awareness that comes from slowing down and “being” in that moment. You get intuitive guidance, you discover the source of your discomfort, or you’re led to the place you were intended to be in that moment. It’s a gift! And not so painful or uncomfortable if you learn how to receive it.
I’ve shared the story a couple of times recently about a young girl that was having a temper tantrum because her daddy wouldn’t let her do what she wanted to. He promptly walked over to the kitchen sink, turned on the water and let it run. He looked at her screaming on the floor, tears streaming down her face and said, “Your emotions are no more than that running water to me.”
If you just let your emotions flow energetically through your body instead of fighting them, attempting to push them away, or push them down—you would have much more energy and peace in your life. Unfortunately Americans have really gotten used to this game of running from your emotions. Some people even hide from the feel good emotions because they are used to being in a negative space and if they were to give that up, they would give up their comfort zone and that would mean…they would (have to) grow.
Life can be easy, we make it hard. We’re always pushing and pulling and in a rush to get what we want. We attempt to force things to happen that aren’t ready to manifest yet.
I recently watched the movie Bus Stop with Marilyn Monroe and Rod Taylor (1956). What an example of push energy he was! He just had to have her and force her to marry him, and she fought every step of the way. When he finally gave up, (because the bus driver kicked his ass in a fight), he softened up and she snuggled up, and off they rode on the bus to a place she swore she wasn’t going.
What if you just ride out your emotions? What if you just sit and feel the discomfort, the pain, the negativity, and let it run its course like water? It will.
Dis-ease occurs when you don’t listen to your body or your intuition and the messages that keep showing up—even if it’s not the message you expected. Ride it out, experience the growth and authenticity that comes from staying in the moment and receiving the gift of raw emotion.