Yesterday I was talking with my neighbor who will be moving in the next couple of months. In the first two minutes of our conversation he told me the following.
“We are going to rent, instead of sell. I’m afraid we’ll get hit with big capital gains taxes because we haven’t been here two years yet.”
“I’ve got someone to manage the rental for me, but I’m really scared of what renters will do to the house after we put so much work into. I’m afraid we won’t find good renters and that they won’t take care of it and scared they won’t keep up the work on the yard.”
This was just the first two minutes! I didn’t offer up a coaching session on the spot, because he didn’t ask for help to improve his mindset, but I sure took note of how afraid he is about everything that is about to happen in his life.
Sometimes you just aren’t aware of the words you use. Often in a coaching session I’ll stop a client and ask them what they just said. It can take a minute for them to realize they used “if” when their intention was “when” or “afraid” vs. “confident,” etc.
The words you think and say are generating mirrors in your life. Talk often enough about fear and things to be afraid of will become abundant in your life. Speak on a daily basis about not having enough money to pay your bills, or how expensive something is that you can’t afford—and you will continue to experience not having enough money.
Flip it around—turn your fear into gratitude and create more of what you really want in your life. My neighbor could be expressing gratitude for the opportunity he has to go to school out of state. And being thankful for the property manager who will ensure there is a wonderful new renter who pays rent on time and takes great care of the place.
You could be thankful for the money you do have, and thankful for the discount you received when you shopped, or the free cup of coffee you got. Look for things to be thankful for and you’ll notice a big increase of abundance and things you want in your life. Be careful what you ask for, by the words you say, they add up every day.
Being aware of these words just shows where your focus is. Be sure it’s on what you want! Another tip that’s simple, powerful, and easy to apply.