How many times have you wished really hard for something you wanted, or needed? The more you feel and contemplate the lack or what you want, the more you will experience lack. It’s Universal Law, and it’s that simple.
Like many of my readers you may get stuck in unhealthy beliefs about money. The thoughts you think about it contribute to how much you do or do not have. Money is just a printed piece of paper that has been given a designation—and many people give it the ultimate power and control in their lives. But money is just energy and needs to flow. When you give it, you receive more. Any time you worry about it and hold on to it tightly, you won’t have enough and need more.
What if these pine cones were money, instead of the printed dollar bills? You could have one, or many, but it’s just a way to exchange something you have for something you want. It has no power over you—unless you make the mistake of giving it power and control by living in fear of what you do or don’t have. Repeating stories, saying things over and over that contribute to your lack.
Here’s a powerful affirmation I created recently that will help you with your thoughts and feelings (which are very powerful on this topic!) about money.
I am so happy and grateful now that I am enjoying financial freedom. I have all the money I want, and more.
How does it feel when you say it? It instantly alleviates tension doesn’t it? So here’s my challenge to you for this week. Say this affirmation TEN times every day for the next week. Say it when you’re driving, when you’re walking the dogs, when you’re brushing your teeth. And notice what happens.
It only takes 17 seconds to change the energy and vibration of your thoughts from fear to gratitude, from lack to abundance. Are you ready to change your beliefs, let go of your fears and accept that you have everything you want today? Notice I didn’t say “need” I said want. There’s a big difference in that word choice as well.
For the next 9 days, repeat this affirmation as directed every morning. Do it for a minimum of 9 days. Then email me and share with me what you’ve noticed about your thoughts and your life. You can make big changes, by doing little things.