What a crazy couple of days. I have been evaluating a decision on something that recently showed up in my world. I couldn’t decide whether I should go for it or not, because it seemed so sudden. It was total happenstance from following my intuition, something I’ve learned not to ignore. I decided to sleep on it in an attempt to make it go away.
You see this “thing” showed up in a different form, different size, different package, and way sooner than I expected it to. This totally threw me off, as I thought this was a good year or two away from happening. I thought for sure I was being impulsive to even consider it.
So I did when any great analytical decision maker would do, and what I often coach my clients to do. I made a list of pros and cons. Now mind you, I was looking for any reason, any excuse to say, NO. But the dang list was so full of PROS, many of which I weighted a 10 (on a scale of 1-10), that the things on my CONS list became just excuses.
Next I took the dogs for a walk, cleared my head and had a big duh moment. It’s not that this just showed up, this is something that has been the focus of my daily meditation for a couple of months. But because the wrapper, size, shape and messaging was different than what I was meditating on, it took me a minute to recognize it. It’s what I’ve asked for, it showed up much more quickly than I expected, and even better than I was imagining, it is on my path to my ultimate goal. That, my friend is called letting go of the outcome.
The Universe has night goggles that can see a lot farther down the road than I can. It’s best just to strap myself in and enjoy the ride.
I’m not ready to share the details yet, but I will clarify for those of you that are always asking—no, it isn’t a guy or a new relationship.
What have you’ve been asking for, dreaming of and setting goals to reach? Are you sure that the answer isn’t right in front of you? Be in awareness throughout the day and examine everything that comes your way. The answer may not be what you expect—but could be way more exciting. Be open, listen, and watch for your request to show up right in your lap, ahem, right when you need it!