Can you remember way back when you used to need to know someone’s phone number in order to dial it? Before the days of cell phones and speed dial. Do you remember what you did if you didn’t have anywhere to write the number down? More than likely, you said the number over and over and over like me, until you got to where you could write it down.
During that process your brain became more and more familiar with the number, and a week later you could probably still recite it from memory. You used a repeated word to put your focus on what you wanted to do (call that number). You weren’t distracted by anything else because most important in that moment was keeping your focus on that number. It always worked for me.
If you were crafty, you may added something to help you remember the sequence. Some type of picture or memory to facilitate easier recall. Did you know this will work in your day-to-day life to bring your goals, dreams and desired results into reality?
This past weekend, one of my clients was at the dog park and discovered she had lost her keys. After helping her take some deep breaths to calm the stress, I encouraged her to do the following:
1 – Believe she was going to find them–and release the worry energy
2 – To repeat the word “keys, keys, keys, keys, keys…” while she continued to stay in the expectation of finding them
3 – Then I suggested she go back by her car to see if anyone had put them near the car
4 – Lastly, I told her to let me know when she had found them
After about 20 minutes, I sent a quick text to remind her that I knew she would find her keys. Another ten minutes later I heard from her. One person had seen the keys and put them by a bridge. She went to the bridge – no keys. She proceeded to her car, no keys. But as someone arrived to help her, they looked in the car again…and there on the front seat were her car keys. She was blown away!
I’ve done this so many times that I know how powerful it is. It is not a fluke, and it’s not “woo-woo” either. It’s Universal law, the science of using your mind to facilitate your desired end result.
Last week, I was in the process of staining my deck. I went out by 6:30 a.m., and painted a couple of hours in the morning before starting work. On Wednesday, the earth movers started development on the field across from me. There was dust everywhere, I couldn’t paint amidst the dirt. I was overwhelmed, frustrated and a bit annoyed that I hadn’t found anyone to help. I put my request “out there” for help, and Saturday morning as I went to run a quick errand this sign appeared less than 200 feet from my home…the Universe sent me an Angel (contractor ‘s name) that I hired who will paint on Saturday when the earth isn’t moving.
I’ve shared this so many times, and these are two positive responses to demonstrate that what you focus on brings that “thought or thing” into your world.
What is your dominant thought today? Is that really want you want to happen, or is it time to step back and adopt a different repeating word and thought? It’s a powerful choice that you have the ability to make each and every minute of the day. Use it to your advantage!