If you’ve ever had something you really wanted to do, a place you wanted to visit, a something big you really wanted to achieve or enjoy, chances are along the way you might have gotten discouraged.
If you did, you’re not alone.
If you had a big dream that originated as “pie in the sky” it’ll probably never happen to me—did you think it was too big, too far out there to ever happen to you—or did you put it out there and say, “someday I’m going to do this?”
It was 1996, I was just coming through a divorce from an abusive relationship, and looking for my footing in the next phase of life. I had just been promoted to my first sales job, and I knew nothing about what it took to be successful in sales! My self-esteem was beat down, and by nature I was an introvert.
My sister held up a box of books and asked if I wanted any of them, she was going to get rid of them. I noticed a large plastic folder with cassette tapes from a seminar she didn’t attend, titled “Self-Esteem and Peak Performance” by Jack Canfield of CareerTrack. I said, “I’ll take this.” Little did I know the road it would take me on.
(Jack Canfield is the Co-author and co-founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series.)
As I listened to what he taught about goal setting and mindset (later to become The Success Principles) I started to apply everything in my day-to-day life. My sales career took off and was quite successful. My confidence grew, I became more outgoing and loved setting and achieving goals. This fed my passion for studying people—primarily athletes—and what drives them to succeed.
In 2005, when Jack came to speak in Denver to promote his new book, The Success Principles, I went to hear him. And as he autographed my book I said, “I have a beautiful red Mitsubishi VR4 Spyder thanks to what I learned from you!” At that point it was still a sub-conscious thing that one day….
After writing my first book in 2007, not knowing any better, I sent my manuscript to Jack to request an endorsement because I shared many things in my book that I learned from him that helped me rebuild my life. One day before I went to press—I received an email with his endorsement. What an honor to receive this from the person who had helped me grow to become a better person and create a better life for myself. (Of course, we halted production and added his endorsement!)
Shortly after I set a very clear goal to work with Jack one day, to attend a seminar and learn from him. While living in California, I saw him again and we had a photo taken with my book.
When Jack started to offer training certifications in The Success Principles, I had no way to take it as I was deep in my financial face-plant. I added it to my list of intentions.
When I received the first email about his small group Mastermind coaching in Italy – I wanted to go. But alas there was no money to do it. I added it to my list of intentions to coach with Jack in a small group.
In 2016, as soon as I could, I invested in training to become a certified trainer of The Success Principles. I’ve used them for years, my clients have learned them and anyone who uses them consistently does amazing things. Then later that year, I attended a week long seminar with Jack, just me and 249 other people from 30 countries. I added collaborating with like-minded leaders to my list of intentions.
Earlier this year, I set the intention on my 2020 goals to attend a small group program with Jack that was scheduled for October—well you know how that turned out.
Tomorrow I am realizing a dream, and fulfilling a desire to work closely with and learn even more from my long-time mentor Jack Canfield and Patty Aubrey. She helped him build the Chicken Soup brand into a multi-million dollar business that has inspired, touched and improved the lives of millions of people throughout the world.
By the way, Jack and Mark Victor Hansen were turned down by 144 publishers before they got a “yes” to publish their first Chicken Soup book. That is persistence.
Twenty-four years…to turn this dream into a reality. Was it worth the wait? You bet! I’m in a place now where I’m more open to receive than I’ve ever been. I’ve been through some very challenging life lessons and I’ve had the opportunity to speak, coach and write books that inspired millions around the world and improved the lives of my clients.
To realize something I’ve wanted to do for so long gives me a sense of calm and fulfillment more than anything. I knew one day I would do it. Here’s a couple of things I learned in the process.
3 Ways Persistence Pays Rewards
1 – When the timing is right – it will happen
- You don’t control the timing
- Stay in gratitude and appreciation for what it is you want (like you already have it)
- Set a goal or intention and be specific, then let go of the outcome (when, where or how it will happen)
- Watch how the Universe works on your behalf
2 – Confirmation and Proof that Anything IS Possible
- The only limitations you have are between your ears (your mind)
- Never, ever give up!
- Keep your goals and desires top of mind even if there appears to be no way in hell it could happen—It can…
- Believe in Miracles
3 – Be an Observer – focus in every moment
- Keep your eyes and ears open – be in the present (it is a gift)
- Watch for the little messages, nudges, encouragement, and resources that show up along the way
- The Universe sends gifts them to you and if you are too busy and distracted you’ll miss them
- The synchronicity, resources and miracles can be electrifying and so inspirational
Yup, this one was really personal.
My hope is it inspires you to take action, never give up and always focus on what it is you want.
This is why I’m so passionate about mindset and success. And why I’m committed to helping you get the most out of your life. To dream bigger dreams and live the life you desire, whatever and wherever that is.
I’m here when you’re ready to step forward.
Schedule time to talk with me.
In Gratitude – The Success Whisperer