Do you like new things? A new outfit, the discovery of a new restaurant, new sheets or towels, new car, new acquaintance that you hit if off with, traveling to a destination you’ve never been to before. These things are new and are fun, right?
Most people I know love these kinds of new things. It’s so much fun to explore something new and different, to wear the new outfit and feel great, to drool at the thought of the new restaurant you’ve found and tell your friends about it. To enjoy a great night sleep on those new sheets, and bathing with the fluffy towels, and exploring the new destination by taking in all the sights, the food, the culture and people.
Did you ever stop to think that change is just something new? Some of those changes are bestowed upon you by your boss, your company, legal requirements, where you live, etc. Deciding to take a new job or start a new career involves learning many new things and adjusting to them. When you look back, doesn’t it feel good to see that you mastered something you were initially very uncomfortable with? You’ve got a new tool or skill set in your bag of tricks now, you have more value to offer.
Why then, do so many people resist and run from change? I’ve chosen to remove that word from speeches and typically don’t use it in my coaching sessions as it carries such a strong emotional response. Instead, I’ve adopted the word shift. We have the opportunity to shift our patterns, our beliefs and embrace something different than that which we can do with our eyes closed.
In the body building world change and doing something new is critical to achieving you desired results in your physique. Whether you’re training to compete, or just lifting weights to keep your body toned, you need to change your exercises ~every six weeks. If you don’t your body goes through the motions, yawning (even though you can’t see it) as it mindlessly executes the good ‘ole exercises.
By contrast when you change your exercises, you wake up the next day to feel muscles that tell you they were engaged in your last workout. Confirmation that your time is well spent! (I love that feeling.)
Moving 2 1/2 months ago changed so many things in my world. It’s been a constant adjustment. How does the dishwasher, the double wall ovens, the new vacuum cleaner work? I’ve never lived where there was an HOA that requires a request to do anything to the yard, and because I believed it would happen, everything was approved very quickly.
I thrive on change—one of the blessings of being a road warrior (traveling consultant) for 8 years and working for a new client, on a new gig, in a new hotel, with a new team with regularity.
Attitude has a impact on how things work out for you. If you resist change, you miss the opportunity to improve yourself as a person and move forward. Over time you become stuck.
If you make the choice to embrace change, even if it’s dipping one toe in the water at a time, you will learn that the Universe is always out to do you good. Everything is for your benefit, even when it initially feels painful.
On that note, since I’m in the midst of big life changes, it became clear that after 10 years in business, it was time to change my company name and logo to reflect where my focus is now. I’m so blessed to be where I am today, traveling the journey from my initial focus on eating disorders, teens and college students and coming full circle back to serving those who are business executives and owners.
My new company name is: LHI – Lori Hanson International
New Website is: https://lorihansoninternational.com/
New logo:
What will you do this week to embrace change that presents opportunity in your life?
Coach Lori