Good Morning!
You can do this. We will get through this. Your mind is an important piece of the equation to how you view, absorb, process, and discard or keep information. By keeping your mind sanitized from negativity and chaos, you’ll find it easier to face, and even enjoy each day.
Natural Immune Booster:
Write down three (3) things you can do for someone else this weekend.
- Reach out to someone outside your household – do something to put a smile on their face
- Put a little something in the mail (a card, a small gift, a quote) to cheer up someone you care about
- Plan time for your rejuvenation this weekend, will it be reading, an Epsom salt soak, watching something that makes you laugh?
Take time every day to refocus your thoughts to a place that makes you feel good, feels optimistic, or just feels better if you’re feeling stuck today.
Need to talk? I’m here to help. Schedule a conversation with me.