Every single day holds an opportunity for you.
Do you expect it?
Do you look for it?
Are you so caught up in auto-pilot that one day melds into the next and you can’t remember what you did an hour ago, much less yesterday?
Yeah, even though you might joke about it, you only get today ONCE. You’ve got to make the most of today because there are no mulligans (do overs for my non-golfing readers) in the game of life.
I was pretty excited to see that David Bowie released a new album on his 69th birthday! A huge Bowie fan from way back and I immediately watched his video, Lazarus. True to form, it was a bit off the norm, but I liked the music. Then I got a text from Goldie Hawn (okay, okay, I got a Tweet) and she said he was gone. I thought it was a joke, but he celebrated his 69th birthday, released his latest album and two days later said “Hey, it’s time for me to go,” and left the planet.
Seems a lot of people tend to check out—complete their journey—at the end of the year. Alan Rickman also died this past week at age 69. On a more personal note, one of my clients lost her mother two weeks ago quite unexpectedly. And another previous client lost her husband last week, he was in his fifties.
My intention here isn’t to depress you, but to impress upon you that life doesn’t wait for you to find that “perfect” time to do what you want to do or have been putting off. The clock is ticking whether you take action or not.
My belief is that we all have a purpose—and once we’ve fulfilled that purpose, we leave. Whether you’re a young teen that commits suicide, someone who is taken early by addiction or cancer or the person who lives to a ripe old age.
Regardless of your journey or beliefs, the point is you don’t know how much time you have. So knowing that, what are you doing on a daily basis to celebrate life and live each day?
It’s not hard, but it is a choice. Will you live today in GRATITUDE and appreciate the air you breathe or will you fill your day with excuses about why your life sucks?
If your life isn’t the way you want it to be, take responsibility for where you’re at and move forward. Your choice, you can fill your days with bitching and complaining or you can appreciate the life you do have and LIVE today.