Greetings My Friends,
It’s been awhile. All the details required to finalize the building of a new home, moving and getting settled in to my new space have more than consumed me. And contrary to my younger self, I allowed life to be in flow of what was “up,” and give it my attention.
I missed more workouts than I wanted to—and I lost weight from carrying boxes and many trips up and down the stairs. I didn’t always feel as grounded as I wanted to, and had compassion for the fact that I was moving and it is simply a phase, a transition into my new life that will soon settle down.
As a single person there’s a lot more to do when you move to handle all the details. Niko and Kiska are rescue dogs, hence their adjustment to new spaces takes longer. Kiska adapted to the new dog door rather quickly. Niko after a month is just now starting to come in if I hold it open, and we’re still working on his ticket to freedom that awaits when he uses it to goes out. It’s all transition.
Once I moved in the real “finishing” started because I have an incredible brother who is a general contractor. He saved me a bundle of money, and provided a way for me to add more custom features (kitchen backsplash, ceiling fans, chandelier, custom fireplace feature wall, island pendent lights, custom master closet, custom laundry sink and cabinets, study door, cabinets in the garage from a kitchen demo…and more). I’m still in the finishing phase which means some areas are still under construction.
My younger self would be screaming by now. I live in a very orderly space; there’s no clutter. Construction = clutter. This time around, I’ve found a way to look beyond it. Yes, some days it drives me crazy, and I take a deep breath and know that very soon it will all be complete.
Everything, and I mean everything went just as I visualized it—and in a number of areas, way better than what I had imagined. The closing was seamless, the weather was above 40 degrees in early February so the fence could be installed for the dogs before moving in. (The approval from the HOA came the day I closed!)
Extra money flowed in for all the things that needed to be purchased, new rugs, ceiling fans, and blinds. We got a major discount on laundry cabinets, the study doors (8 foot tall), the tile for the backsplash and fireplace wall. I got unexpected discounts when I was shopping for things that saved me significant cash. During this time I also taught my seminar, The Success Playbook and we had our first Revitalize Your SELF Retreat (it was amazing).
You may be thinking, you just got lucky. It was more than luck. I meditated and visualized for months on living in this new home. What it would feel like, look like and how the closing would happen and who was there. I visualized the details over and over, having the blinds, putting my trees in the backyard (they’re next when it warms up), and the serenity and tranquility I would feel living here. I created the situation I wanted to manifest. I made it so real in my mind, that it happened.
Remember, your mind doesn’t know the difference between a real or an imagined event. The Olympics were on while I moved, I didn’t see a lot of them, but if you did, you heard the stories just like mine of how they dreamed of going to the Olympics as a young boy or girl, and how they visualized and believed—and there they were.
Don’t allow yourself to think that your life is such a drag and everything is difficult because that’s just how it is. Because it is actually, just how you think. What you think about, what images you hold in your mind and what you expect.
I’m incredibly blessed. I express gratitude every day for my incredible new home, large back yard and seeing coyotes out my bedroom window on the hill across the street. I’m closer to nature and 2 miles from any main roads. I’ve got elbow room and I can breathe here.
One year ago I had no clue building and owning a home was on my horizon, now I’m excited about what I will create this year, that may feel out of reach today! If your life isn’t the way you want it, you have the choice to live it to your specifications. It starts in your mind. Life is how you create it.
Lori Hanson
The Success Whisperer