Do you know how to listen to your body? Are you tuned in so you know when your body is nudging (trying to get your attention)? And be honest, how many times have you ignored the fatigue, the foggy brain, the aches and pains or persistent condition…and your body took over?
At first it can be the simple pulling on your shirt – hey you! In an attempt to get your attention. But you’re busy with the To Do List, the commitments (and over-commitments) and you continue to trudge through and work when your sick (bad American habit).
I’ve had countless conversations with people who have told me, a story that starts with, “I was so busy, I was overloaded and I kept pushing through knowing if I could just reach the end of this project…
And then I broke my leg, or my arm or ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks and was forced to rest.
Your body knows when it’s time to slow down. You cannot go 24×7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year…
By the way, there is no gold prize for never taking a sick day or taking vacations. The reward for that is a run down body, compromised immune system, fatigue and probably weight gain or loss.
So the next time you feel that gentle nudge that something is just off:
1 – Slow down and tune in to your body
2 – Get quiet by taking 5-10 deep breaths (inhale and exhale to the count of 10)
3 – Do some writing (journal your thoughts) for 15-30 minutes and ask your body what it needs.
If you are open and tuning in without being so busy, you may just hear this:
“Hey! listen you’ve got to slow down, take a day off, or a long weekend, or a week off and nurture yourself.”
You’ll be much more productive when you return!
PS – Do you avoid negotiating and direct conversations?
Does the thought of negotiating with your spouse, your boss or the home contractor make you sweaty and weak in the knees?
As a result of some recent events and a great deal of feedback on how many women avoid negotiating (the stats are crazy) because it’s so uncomfortable for them, or it never occurred to them to negotiate…
I’m finalizing an interactive class, with a blueprint and process to help you with the confidence to ask for and get what you want. Whether it is a raise, a refund, more time off, help with the household chores, or having a difficult conversation. Why settle when you have options?
Watch for the registration link! Class is August 25th.