How often as an adult do you indulge your imagination to see, feel and experience something you want? Our imaginations (as I’ve said before) are one of the biggest skills we have for realizing and enjoying something we want. As an adult who is now so responsible and doesn’t play make-believe, it’s easy for you to forget that this is a mega-powerful, FREE resource you have at your disposal.
The Wright brothers weren’t successful at getting their plane off the ground by constantly contemplating all the reasons it wouldn’t work—they believed and knew it would work and kept imaging their plane flying, until they were successful. If you can imagine and see something, you can bring it into your life. Singular focus is a major factor to success, whether it’s a relationship you want, new job, starting your own company, or increasing your annual revenue.
Before I moved into my new home, I asked my two very talented and creative nieces to create an original piece of art featuring my mantra for how I landed here. At 16, Lace drew the cover image for my book, It Started with Pop-Tarts. And Tayler, at a very young age would draw wolves on the white board in my kitchen.
The reason this mantra is so powerful for me goes back four years to when I had no income. Feeling I had no choice but to get a job in the summer of 2014, I took a job selling ads for hotels (the 3-ring binders in guest rooms). I traveled all over and spent time in towns I’d never heard of like, Showlow, and Pine, AZ, and many other places. This job was straight commission, something I’d never done before. However, when you have nothing and the opportunity for something, it can invoke action.
I won’t lie, it was painful, embarrassing and pushed me far out of my comfort zone. My job was to visit any and every business, restaurant and opportunity to get an ad placed in the hotel binders. I had to fight my thoughts of how this wasn’t really me, and if these people only knew…but in that moment in time, that was me. So I took a deep breath and walked inside to talk to the store or restaurant owner and show them why this was a great value for them. On numerous occasions I got an earful because the last sales person who had been there didn’t follow up, never placed the ad, lied to them and on it went. I even had to renew ads at strip joints.
This was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done, at one stretch I was gone for 6-weeks and wanted so badly go home. The company demanded that you stay in a territory until you sold a minimum of the same numbers of ads placed the previous year.
During the journey I attempted to make the best of it, and made some new friends, had a few great conversations and was the recipient of occasional free meals. I kept telling myself I didn’t think I was supposed to fall through the cracks!
The last four years, my recurring mantra has been “Anything is Possible.” I repeated the affirmation over and over and focused on what was working, even on my worst days. I just knew something better was around the corner. I quit after six months when I had a better opportunity to sell mobile apps…I made $150 in six weeks.
I share this with you to help you understand why this mantra is so powerful for me and helped me create an incredible financial recovery and build a brand new home in less than four years. It’s a far better story than I ever imagined.
The Universe wants to give you everything you need and want. Your belief, imagination and focus must be consistent. Focus your imagination on one thing and make it real. If you were sitting here in a coaching session I would help you visualize what you want like you were watching a movie. It’s pretty amazing what happens when you experience it for the first time.
I am living proof that absolutely ANYTHING is Possible!
This amazing painting (Tayler loves to do glaze work) now hangs just outside my office door, my home came to life as soon as I hung it.
Use your imagination—there are no limits.
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