It’s so easy to get lured in by all the negativity. It’s everywhere you look, all the time. Where do good things happen?
And if you’re even remotely curious about the “headlines” you’ll see another, after another, after another that you can easily surmise are for shock value. Why do we need to see “The Worst ever…” or “The Unbelievable…” or “The Most Horrible…” Give me a break!
You know by now, I’m a huge animal lover. There are days that my comic relief comes from sweet, precious or funny (mostly funny) animal videos. In the process of getting there, there’s a lot of shit I have to ignore.
Whether it’s dogs, African Grey parrots (who cuss at cats), Cockatiels throwing tantrums, elephant babies, or the new baby calf that I pass when I drive down my road. Animals and music bring that feel good element to my day.
Every day, you have the option to focus on what makes you feel good, or to fall for and focus on the click bait of horrific headlines.
Keynote Speaker Mile High SHRM Annual Conference
Last Friday I was the Morning Keynote Speaker for the Mile High SHRM Annual Conference.
My program was “Developing the Mindset to Lead Authentically.”
They had a capacity crowd, which was wonderful after the whole shut down of things.
I arrived early, worked through the little unplanned glitches of getting things set up. Then delivered my keynote to an engaging and enthusiastic crowd. I heard from so many attendees shared how my message resonated with them and really helped them.
It was a good day.
The next morning, (Saturday) I jumped in my dog mobile to go for a red light therapy session at Littleton Light Lounge before heading to a relaxing post-speech massage.
I turned the key…nothing.
I turned it again, then turned it once more…my SUV wouldn’t start.
I knew my battery was dead.
My VERY first thought was, “Whew, am I glad this happened today and not yesterday!”
More Good Things Happen…
I called my friend Tim, who now owns an auto repair close by.
He could help with battery, but couldn’t help me get me there.
Called my next door neighbor, he was at the kids basketball game.
He called back a few minutes later to say another neighbor had a battery pack and could help.
Battery pack = started right up.
Then I remembered, the last time I bought a battery (because I got stuck waiting for a tow truck) was in March of 2016.
That’s exceeding ~5 year life expectations for an auto battery.
All this, worked out perfectly and left time for me to get a new battery installed AND make it to my massage on time.
I didn’t want to cancel last minute on my massage therapist…just so inconsiderate and uncool.
Never once flipped out.
Never once got wound up in castrophizing.
Never once doubted that this was all going to work out…and it did.
What I did do was heap on the gratitude for the timing of this.
And I stayed in the place of appreciation and gratitude all day. (Not new, it’s a daily practice for me.)
I believe firmly that where you focus and what you focus on (positive vs negative energy) brings you more of what you’re focusing on.
If you’re of the school that it’s just a matter of time before the next shoe drops. Change schools!
Shift your thinking and expect things to work out.
Because good things happen…ALL THE TIME.
PS – more proof that good things happen?
Sean Payton is the new Head Coach of the Denver Broncos!!!
Congrats on a huge keynote speaking engagement, and for the mind shift to positivity and gratitude Lori!
Thank you Debbie!