Have you ever avoided doing something really important—because you were afraid to fail?
I’m sure most of you would say “yes.”
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Taken on something new even though it made you nervous and scared the crap out of you? Fear can be your friend, and motivation.
I was thinking about this recently, all the times I’ve reinvented myself!
- Became an accomplished violinist and singer, played piano and saxophone
- Learned the craft of writing lyrics, creating and recording music
- Studied and mastered the art and science of holistic nutrition and weight lifting
- Failed at being an Accounting major (1.92 GPA my junior year to prove it!) and succeeded at a degree in Management and Organization
- Became a Human Resources Comp and Benefits Analyst straight out of college
- Mastered the art of consulting (Payroll/Personnel implementations and later Project Management)
- Became an expert at goal setting, visualization and manifesting BIG dreams
- Was a highly successful professional technology salesperson (from shy, insecure, introvert)
- Pushed myself to be successful and graceful networking (way out of my comfort zone)
- Became an independent publisher and author—learning how to write and promote books via media appearances on TV and radio
- Failed financially in v 1.0 of my business, which led to my sweet spot (serving business leaders and sales people)
- Became an expert at coaching, creating my own path and studying hundreds of tools and modalities for use with my business clients
- Became an entertaining and dynamic keynote speaker
- Learned marketing for authors, speakers and coaches
- Mastered the ability to edit TV show videos, radio shows, create videos and website design
- Became host of my own seminars, events, Mastermind Retreats and women’s events
The point of this list isn’t about me—if you stop and think about it, you likely will see that you too have reinvented yourself many times.
The journey starts with being willing to learn something new, to be vulnerable (willing to look like you don’t know everything), to look silly and to fail in business, financially, or even in a relationship.
It does require discipline, persistence, collaboration (I’ve had many coaches along the way) and the attitude to never, ever give up.
It’s time to create a better tomorrow, your life is full of possibilities. Just look around and open yourself up to see what they are for you. I’ve got something very special I’m creating to help you on this journey. You can be better tomorrow, next month, next year than you are today.
What is it you really want to do, but up until now
have been to afraid to do because you might fail?
Watch for my next post…