I was in an office recently, and the lady behind the counter had three drawers, each with a different colored key ring on the key for each drawer. I told her I liked the red one because it’s my favorite color. She said, it doesn’t matter to me what color I get…so I told her a little story.
As people were walking in to sit down at a self-development seminar, the instructor told them to sit by the color of notebook they preferred. There were red, blue, yellow and green notebooks. As soon as the instructor suggested this, a person got up, approached another attendee and said, “Would you trade with me, you have green which I prefer and I have yellow.” The other student replied, “Yes! I love yellow, it’s my favorite color.”
Having preferences matters, being decisive is important—it’s a demonstration of high self-esteem.
Think about hearing a group of teenage girls debating what their evening plans are.
“What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know, like what do you want to do?”
“I don’t care, I’m okay with like whatever.”
“Well I like totally don’t care either.”
And on it goes for ten minutes. None of the girls wants to make the suggestion or decision to do something that in the end everyone will say sucked!
There is no reason to have FEAR around having an opinion or being decisive. On the contrary, think of how nice it is to be around someone who knows what they want when they order at a restaurant vs. the person who can’t decide and asks what you’re having.
Decisive is sexy!
Decisive exudes confidence and that is contagious.
What is one area in your life that you could improve by making a decision or having a preference?
Once you decide, you’ll get feedback.
If you don’t like the feedback, make a difference choice.
Improve your confidence today by making a choice!