I love animals. Love observing them, love feeling their (pure positive, intuitive) energy – because they only know how to live in the moment. The NOW. They aren’t analytical, they don’t worry about the future and with many animals can’t hide their emotions (which makes it even more fun!).
June 27th I noticed a long piece of string on caught on the side of my hanging plant by my office window. I know what that means…babies! I checked so I knew what area to avoid when watering the plant, and 2 eggs. When I checked their progress a week later there were 5.
I’m amazed at how quickly after they hatch they grow. And this year-I was able to witness something I have never observed before. I saw 2 of them jump from the nest for their first flying lesson – so cool.
One was a little timid and waited until a sibling came back to encourage them. Then took off. As of this morning the nest is empty. All 5 birdies have flown to their next phase of life. Enjoy the little photo journey attached.

Just a little something different for a Friday afternoon.