It’s time to celebrate!
And there is a very special reason to join in this celebration.
Susan Harkin is a client who has been the Chief Operating Officer of School District 300 in Chicago for several years. She is passionate about public education.
When we first met, she wanted to find her voice, to create her legacy and feel comfortable speaking up in any situation. Susan coached with me for over a year and made incredible shifts during the process.
Then she invited me to co-present with her at the ASBO International Conference (Assoc School Business Officials) to share how this coaching improved her effectiveness as a female leader. Our presentation was “Developing the Mindset to Lead Authentically.”
Then we got asked to share the presentation again last month, and the response from attendees was great – many wanted more (and to see us in person).
So what is the reason we’re celebrating with Susan today? Well I’ll let her tell you, in her own words how coaching helped her and what happened as a result…
“I needed permission and to see how I was getting in my own way of speaking up confidently. Not only has Lori improved my abilities to be a better C-level executive, she provided insight on how to be better balanced in all areas of my life.
Being stuck is probably way worse than any uncomfortable place Lori put me in because I was so frustrated.
I’ve just been promoted to the first female Superintendent of my school district.
And I’m headed into it confidently and comfortably because of the work I did with Lori! This is the best financial investment I’ve ever made in my life!”
Pretty amazing right?
Here’s the other thing you don’t know, Susan started out as a Room Mom, and worked her way up to COO. She is close to finishing her doctorate, and continues to work on her legacy.
Let’s celebrate another female leader who has found her voice and is exploring life with NO Limits!
Do me a favor – take a minute to post a response below and congratulate Susan.
YOU Have NO Limits!
In Gratitude –
The Success Whisperer