What is the “thing” you keep putting off because it isn’t the right time yet?
Maybe you’re worried about having the money to do it, getting your spouse or partner’s blessing (or permission) to do it, or maybe you’re just stuck in “planning to get ready” to take action mode?
I feel you, I’m guilty of such behavior in the past.
Yet, what I’ve learned by doing is that there is never a right time!
You take a step forward and adjust as needed.
Everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone.
What that means is, doing what is uncomfortable propels you forward.
Doing what is uncomfortable provides feedback that you can use to take your next step.
Not taking a step at all, being stuck in analysis, or stopped in your tracks by FEAR yields rewards…I’m guessing you aren’t really looking for.
I’m incredibly grateful to be at a retreat this weekend with Patty Aubery. Patty is the marketing engine and BIG goal setter behind Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen’s Chicken Soup for the Soul success. (Growing to a $60M+ brand).
She also has been instrumental in taking The Success Principles from a book to a certification (that I completed in 2016).
One of my goals for years has been to be in the “inner circle” with Jack and Patty as a new thought leader. I’ve used what he teaches since ’96 – before the huge success of his Chicken Soup book series. I took big, bold steps to get here. I spent money I wasn’t sure if I should spend at the time.
I’m here to tell you, the returns are always far greater than the FEAR. Last year I coached with both Jack and Patty in a small group. And now, today, realizing another level of the goal, I’m celebrating being here with other like-minded leaders because it provides enormous value and a huge step forward on how I can love and support my clients. That’s why I always have coaches – I walk my talk.
As you’ve seen in that last year+ nothing is guaranteed. Life can be short. The last thing you want to do (to quote Wayne Dyer) is to “die with your music still in you.” What do you want to do, be or have that you haven’t started yet?
What excuses, barriers or habits are you letting stand in your way?
If you knew you couldn’t fail…
If money was unlimited, and
If you could feel the joy and gratitude for successfully completing, reaching, creating, or BEing (insert your goal/desire here) what would you step forward and start today?
Your destiny awaits! People need what you’re here to create.
And if you need more courage.
Permission to take action, despite your fear.
To move beyond, “yeah but….” let’s talk about how I can support you.
I love tackling those BIG goals and desires and helping you create and complete amazing things! So what are you waiting for then?
Click the link and let’s have virtual coffee so I know how I can help you.
Take action now, wait no longer.