The weather in Denver is shifting.
The wind has picked up.
I had to move my nearly 6 foot Beetlejuice on the deck, because he was folding up in the wind.
And if this is the worst of my issues today—I’m doing great.
I enjoyed a beautiful fall trip to Keystone last month for the Colorado SHRM conference.
The weather was spectacular and I made some great new connections.
It’s interesting how many sessions were on culture, especially since this is the topic of my latest book (more below).
Last week I spoke for the Unstoppable Women’s Business Conference in Greeley.
What an event, so nicely planned and executed. They had over 300 attendees.
In my session, 5 Secrets to Raising the Bar on Respect, we had over 100 attendees.
It was a lively group of women who were engaged, soaked in the content, learned the 5 secrets and some great advice for negotiating with ease.
One of my quotes they really liked was:
“I know that Confidence comes from Certainty that is driven by Clarity.”
—The Success Whisperer™
Are you listening to your gut?
1 – When you’re struggling to make a decision, let it go.
Focus on (watch for) the solution.
Instead of pushing for an answer let the solution come to you. It will.
Trust that you have an inner guidance system that knows where you need to be and how you need to proceed.
2 – Stuck in procrastination?
Take 5-9 deep breaths, put your focus on your heart.
Exhale, release what is holding you back.
After your take these breaths, see if this is what you need to be working on right now.
Are you inspired to get it done—or pressuring yourself to do it?
There is a big difference in taking inspired action at the right time and pushing.
The outcome will be different too.
3 – What is most important to you today?
What really needs your attention and what are you allowing yourself to be distracted by?
Be honest, this is the way to get in tune with your inner guidance system.
Listen to what your mind and body need.
Photos below
From my session at Unstoppable.
Of the cute pittie service dog that attended, and of me with Brenda Mares who recommended me as a speaker for this conference.
Next Level Women’s Leadership Forum
Oct 23: Office Hours call
4-5:00 MT
Nov 13: Group Coaching call
4-5:30 MT
This is an incredible option to get access to coaching with me – and meet other women from around the nation. We have fun, we dig deep and we grow together.
You Have NO Limits