Do you know anyone who often talks about something they want or something they want to do?
But it never happens.
It may sound like this, “I really want to take a trip to Europe, but…” or
“I hate this job and I want to make a change, but…” or
“I really want to lose 20 pounds before summer, but…”
That’s a clear sign your “but” is in the way!
When you say you want something, “but” you allow your excuses to keep you from doing it.
You are essentially fighting for your limitations!
And regardless of where those limitations came from, whether absorbed at an early age or due to a life experience, it’s important to remember: you always have a choice.
You have a choice to continue to believe in your limitations and all the reasons you cannot do something.
And you have a choice to face your fears and take one small step each day toward what you want.
It isn’t always easy to take that first step…that’s why the work I do is so powerful.
Fitz Perls said, “Fear is excitement without the breath.”
If you stop and take 3-5 deep breaths when you’re feeling stuck or uncertain or when you lack the confidence to execute a task, you’ll create a calmer space for yourself.
This allows you to take action that doesn’t feel so scary.
And once it’s done, you’ll likely find your imagination made it way worse than it was.
Let’s do some Spring cleaning in your brain:
- Write down 3 things you often say that include the word “but…” in the sentence:
- I want to lose 20 pounds, but I’m too busy to fix food and exercise.”
- I want to find a job where I’m appreciated, but I don’t have a degree.”
- I want to save money for a home (or vacation) but I spend money the minute I get it.”
- Look at the 3 items you wrote down:
- How bad do you really want each one?
- Write a number between 1-10 beside each.
- Which one do you want the most?
- Which is your highest priority?
- Number each one with a priority of 1, 2 or 3.
- Write down why you want your #1 priority?
- What does it give you that you don’t have today?
- What are you willing to commit to make it happen?
- Hint: If your desire is not a 10, it’s likely not happening because it’s not the most important thing to you right now.
You’re not committed to it.
Or it’s something you’re attempting to do because someone else wants you to.
(Attempting to lose weight because your spouse wants you to = recipe for frustration and failure.)
- Hint: If your desire is not a 10, it’s likely not happening because it’s not the most important thing to you right now.
- What help do you need to start this?
For example: I need to know what to do first, I need a plan, I need accountability
How bad do you want it?
When you’re ready, you will take action.
And sometimes that first action is reaching out to have a short coaching conversation with me to explore possibilities.
A conversation where I help you see what you aren’t able to see.
Ready to get your “but” out of the way, and get your “butt” into action?
Schedule 15 minutes with me today.