By Lori Hanson
How did you fare over the holidays? Eat a little more than usual? Eat a bit more junk and sweets than you usually do? Have enought alcohol to last you for a month or two? You body is likely nudging you for a break and some detox to get 2012 off to a good start. Here’s three simple things you can do to help your body detox from the holidays, that will improve your energy and help you feel better…literally in no time.
1 – Go back to basics. NOT on a diet. Eat simply.
Eat Breakfast.
Include good old fashioned oatmeal with some cinnamon and a couple of poached, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, or egg whites to get a balance of complex carbs and protein. If you need milk, use almond or soy milk on your oatmeal.
Have a mid-morning snack.
Have a piece of fruit and 10-15 raw almonds
Eat a balanced lunch.
Have a grilled chicken breast (or boca burger for vegetarians), a medium salad (romaine or red leaf lettuce) with a mix of vegetables and use olive oil and fresh lemon for dressing. Add 1 cup of quinoa or quinoa mixed with brown rice for carbs.
Eat an afternoon snack.
Have 304 sticks of celery with almond butter
An apple or cup of berries (fresh if possible)
Eat a light dinner
Have some fish or turkey breast (tempeh for vegetarians)
Baked sweet potato
1-2 cups of steamed vegetables. Be sure to include something green in the mix: broccoli, asparagus, kale or spinach.
2 – Increase your water intake.
Be sure to get your 6-8 glasses daily. Add lemon or lime to enhance the flavor to help you drink it. Also add 2-3 cups of herbal tea. Green tea is a perfect substitute for coffee.
3 – Move!
Want more energy? Get up and move. Take a walk, get on the treadmill. Park farther from the office. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Break a sweat for 20-30 minutes, three times a week.
4 – Bonus Tip
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Get to bed earlier and get your 7-8 hours sleep at night. Turn off the computer at least 30 minutes before you go to bed so your brain can unwind. Take 8-10 deep breaths before crawling under the covers. Inhale and Exhale s.l.o.w.l.y…no sleeping aids required.
Three simple things (with a bonus) that will have you feeling human, rested and centered in no time!
The best way to make life changes fun and doable is to enlist the help of a coach. Do it today, here.