Have you noticed that in the last year or so there are a lot of articles that tell you what to do? Not even that, they explicitly tell you what you should do—without knowing a thing about you. I find it an interesting and quite humorous concept.
I noticed an article in the last week or so titled, “This is Exactly How Much Cash You Should Carry at All Times.” Really? You, said author, know nothing about me, or my financial situation, or how I budget and spend money, yet you know this? I had to take a quick look at it, since this person obviously knows the exact thing I need to be doing! Thank goodness there are answers out there. (And if you haven’t noticed yet, from reading my blogs and Weekly Wisdom, I remain a rebel with a warped sense of humor.)
I do always carry cash for several reasons, some of which the author covered. However, my reasons are different than what they prescribed. My point is, there is no “right” answer for everyone. And thank goodness for that, because we’re all wired differently.
Before you say, “Oh Lori, but if my husband, or wife, or kids, or boss, or employees were more like me, life would be so much easier.” There could be some truth to that—on the flip side, stop for a minute and imagine a world where everyone was exactly the same. Same intellect, same thought processes, same routines, same voice tone, same build, same eating habits, excited and upset by the same things…Yuk! There’s no color or variety in that “same scenario.” It’s the Stepford Wives on steroids.
These beautiful horses came to live with me this week. I haven’t hung them up yet, and just having them in my bedroom is amazing. I’ll wake up looking at them every morning above my dresser. (The rest of my rooms is surrounded by wolves and has been for years. I know, you’re shocked.) This photo grabbed me because the essence of what I feel when I look at it is forward movement, freedom, and following my own path with passion and purpose. And the sepia colors are so calming.
By living from your heart, trusting your instincts, and being decisive, you will elevate your self-esteem and pave your path to the future you want to create…and live.
It’s important to me to feel free, to make my own decisions, to reach out for guidance and input when I need it on my terms and to always follow my heart. Want to run with me?