I want to learn what life is for
I don’t want much, I just want more…
These lyrics are from the song Everything in A Star is Born, sung by Barbra Streisand.
A beautiful song that as a young girl really connected with me and got me thinking about all the things I’d like to do “as I got older.”
This isn’t about being materialistic or greedy, it’s about dreaming, imagining and allowing yourself to explore what you want—with no limitations.
You grow up, you become responsible, you have to pay the bills, knock out the daily To Do list, and along the way you pick up habits of stress, resistance and lack of confidence in what you can do. The unfortunate side effect of this concept of “growing up” is, that you leave your dreams, your imagination and dreaming behind.
Your brain, specifically your subconscious is a goal seeking mechanism. Whatever you see, ponder, contemplate, dream of, get excited and feel passionate about—your subconscious works on a daily basis to achieve for you; to bring to you.
What is “everything” you’ve ever wanted?
How close are you to having it, 50%, 2%, 90%?
Dreams, goals and aspirations fuel you, they keep you moving forward and give you purpose.
You may have heard the story about Lou Holtz creating a list of 107 things he wanted to do before he died. He was 28 and down in the dumps when he made the list. In a recent interview on “Undeniable” with Joe Buck, he discussed his progress on the list. If memory serves, he’s achieved 102, that leaves only 5 to go! (If you want to be inspired – make time to watch the interview.)
We’re halfway through the 4th quarter of 2018…
How are you doing on the goals you set for this year?
- What changed that shifted your perspective?
- What turned out even better than you could have imagined it to?
- Where do you want to invest more time and focus to improve your results?
Your imagination and dreams help you experience the feeling of freedom. The part of you that wants to be fulfilled and feel like you’re contributing to the greater good. And yes, this includes your dream vacation, the beautiful home, fast car (okay, maybe that’s just me), and the financial stability to invest in people, causes and things that will bring you (and those you love) more.
Imagination and dreams give you a basis to create your goals.
Your mindset is the key to adjusting your beliefs to know and expect that you can reach your goals and live your dreams. It doesn’t matter if you work in corporate, are an artist, an athlete or run a yoga studio, you still get to live your dreams…
Your goal is to fill your cup. When your cup is full you have an abundance of experiences, stories and gratitude to share with others. You won’t be able to stop walking around with that beautiful smile of yours because your life has purpose, you’re fulfilled and you experience and share, love and joy each and every day (and that’s not corny).
If you need clarity on what you really want…
If you don’t really believe that you can live your dreams…
If your mouth gets dry, your heart pounds and your shoulders tense up when you think about making a change or attempting something new…
If you have a cup full of fear and excuses; you’re stuck on how many times you’ve failed, or all the beliefs from your upbringing about why what you want is selfish…it’s time for you and I to have a conversation.
Email me now. Don’t wait another day.