I really can’t believe it, and don’t know how it happened so quickly. I’ve completed 60 revolutions around the sun as of today. Been here six, count them six decades! For some reason I love the “even years,” and this milestone deserves reflection.
I don’t really understand the whole thing about not telling your age—I’m proud of my time and experience on this planet. I’m feeling incredibly grateful and blessed for all I’ve accomplished, survived, where I’ve excelled, and the times I fell flat on my face. All great life lessons that fueled me and landed me where I am today.
My immediate family is unique. We’ve all found our own rhythm in life. My parents are still thriving at 87 and completed their latest road trip (alone) back to Cali for the winter. Good genes – check! With four sibling and 18 years between the oldest and youngest there is a great deal of variety, creativity, skills and experience within the family. I’m the proud auntie of 8 nieces and nephews, and 10 great nieces and nephews.
I’ve made unique choices in my life. I don’t always go with the flow, and people don’t understand why. I chose not to have children because I knew at a young age that career was more important to me and children deserve more time and attention than I was willing to give. I’ve been single, by choice more years than in relationships and on my own for the last 10 years as my work and launching my own business in 2008 is where my passion lies.
Then there is my choice to give up alcohol and sugar. I’m vegan, I eat healthy, I work out six times a week—even on vacation because it’s important to me. My days start with meditation, gratitude and walks with the dogs. I set big financial goals so I can give generously to support animal causes: wolves, whales, elephants, canines and more; and to support the arts which to me are essential for full and balanced development.
Often I travel alone, and get asked how long before my husband will follow. People don’t always get living outside the “norm.”
It wasn’t always this way. How I wish the Lori of 14 years of age had a drop of the courage, confidence and self-esteem I’ve developed over the past 15-20 years. Always the rebel (and that I’ve maintained) and the party girl, there were many years I “wished” I could stop drinking and thought I could never do it. In the end, it was a true willingness to make and commit to an unpopular choice.
Then there was the failure of my business and finances, just four years ago. After a great deal of reflection, evaluating my money mindset, and being willing to shift my old beliefs, the ride back up has been nothing short of spectacular.
Tuesday, I played my first 18 holes of golf in 6 years. I’m an avid golfer, love the game, love playing and being out in nature. It’s something I couldn’t do on my limited income. Then I made the choice to pay off the debt, once that was done, I ran out of excuses. But no matter how much I love the game, I couldn’t get myself back on the course. Alas, it was just like riding a horse (one birdie and one par after 6 years, not too bad!).
Losing everything changed me. Fortunately part of the come back process was understanding that the more I shared about my journey, the more intensely I’ve connected with my readers, and audiences. And being more open vs. embarrassed, has provided inspiration to those who haven’t yet figured out how to reach where they want to go.
I live life by feel, very different than how I used to roll. We are all connected energetically and connected “on purpose.” How else would the only person I know on an island, who didn’t know I was coming, who I was thinking about while waiting for my golf clubs, call out “Lori?!” in the parking lot of a health food store less than 30 minutes of my arrival?
My belief that “Anything is Possible” continues to light my path. And today, I’m grounded again, centered and ready for the next leg of the journey. Ready to share more enlightenment with my coaching clients, audience members and readers through my passion for mindset, strategy and the nutritional knowledge and products I’ve been fortunate to receive, research, and use myself before offering to you.
By living consciously, in the moment I am able not only expect, but recognize the gifts that are delivered to me daily. Synchronicity abounds, as it did yesterday when I felt compelled to go into a store. After a 30-minute conversation with a sales girl who’s name just happened to be “Lori” spelled just like mine, who had two wolf hybrids and whose energy felt like a long-lost BFF. I know the Universe is out to do me good.
There are multiple paths you can take in life. I chose the road less traveled, I’m proud to be unique, to be healthy, to look young for my age and well-preserved. I’m far healthier and happier today than I was 10 years ago. And to me, that is well worth the price of admission.
My hope on this special day, is to inspire you in some way, to improve your quality of life. (And I’d love for you to post below and tell me what it is you will do.)