Call me crazy, but I worked out to Christmas music this morning! On Sunday I watched episodes of Mr. Ed and last week I bought an advent calendar—even though I won’t eat the chocolate. All things that could be classified as silly. But these are things that make me feel good. They bring out the joy I felt as a child. Little Lori is alive and well because of my continued desire to keep things in my world that make me feel good.
Think about it, when you are angry, frustrated, worried, or anxious, are you having fun? Is there a smile anywhere close to your face? You have a choice, you can choose to live your life in FEAR (anxiety or anger) or Gratitude (love). Those are the only two emotional state we really have. And how can you expect to feel good, have fun and enjoy your day when you are totally weighted down by negative emotions?
Whatever thoughts, words or emotions you are holding prominently in your mind, either conscious or unconscious they will respond to themselves, like a mirror. This is Universal law—the way it works. The thoughts you think produce physical results in your life. Regardless of your beliefs, this concept is there. On the flip side, “All disappointments and failures are the result of endeavoring to think one thing and produce another.” Genevieve Behrend.
It is easier said then done though right? I’ve been studying mindset, the power of beliefs, behaviors and responses for many years. I’ve seen it work both ways: the manifestation of something I didn’t want because I got stuck in fear instead of choosing to move my mind in a better place. And the incredible manifestation much more quickly than I expected, as a result of keeping all my attention on the situation I wanted in my life. There are no limits.
Ah, but I digress from what is fun and makes me feel wonderful into what I am totally passionate about. And that is helping you have access to the tools and knowledge to:
1 – BELIEVE you can live your dream life
2 – DECIDE on what you really want
3 – CREATE the path to making it a reality
4 – MANIFEST your desires and celebrate the journey and who you became in the process
My desire is for you to feel unstoppable! To have the courage and confidence to pursue anything and everything you really want in life. To feel the anxiety and fear inside and do it anyway. What do you want, is it:
- A better relationship?
- A new job/career?
- More FREE time?
- To lose weight, eliminate pain and feel healthy?
- Exchanging your negative thought patterns for beliefs in results you really want?
- Starting your own business?
- Taking action in spite of the FEAR you feel?
I’ve seen some incredible things happen when clients make the choice to move forward and live a bigger life.
And hey, I wouldn’t be a good motivational speaker or coach if I didn’t offer you the opportunity to do something fun and exciting in 2017. In order to see different results, you have to take ACTION. So here it goes…
Take action today and register for my GPS to Success Seminar on January 21st. In this seminar I’ll teach you High Performance Tools to get from where you are today, to where you want to be.
You’ll save $100 on registration when you register before Wednesday, December 7th, only $97.
Make the commitment to yourself before the busy holiday season reaches full stride. This is an investment that will bring you more joy, free time, success, inner peace and fulfillment in life.