I don’t know about you, but I’ve been using vision boards to help me reach goals for many years. Because they work. No matter how you visualize, repeat affirmations and feel what it will feel like to reach a goal, having a vision board (or book) gives another huge boost in making things happen.
I keep my vision board in my bedroom. In previous houses it was on the bedroom closet door so I saw it every time I went into closet to get dressed. This house, I have a perfect place for it across the wall from my shower, which has glass doors. It’s cool because I can even soak in my goals while relaxing in the refreshing water of the shower.
The fun part is looking back at past vision boards and seeing things that came into my life a year, or two or three after I had them on my board. Timing isn’t something we control!
In all of my years in business getting certifications just wasn’t something that resonated with me. I’ve been blessed with great education from my reading, coaches and other studies and I’m highly intuitive.
But when I first heard that Jack (co-author of Chicken Soup series) was creating a training program and certification, I knew I wanted to do it. But this was in the year that I had no money, and couldn’t even pay the rent. So I printed out the header from the Training Page and put it on my vision board. It was on my board again last year and this year as well. My goal this year was to be in training with Jack. And in May several things happened that put it right in my lap!
It’s a work at your own pace online training, 56 modules in total. Because I’ve followed Jack’s work for twenty years and have both used and taught some of his Success Principles I found the material easy to absorb. I learned some fantastic techniques and processes for use in my seminars and personal coaching which provides even more insight and depth for clients.
My approach to this training course was no excuses. I set a goal to complete the program and have my certification before I go to a seminar of Jack’s in August. And I’m proud to say that even with our Performance Coaching Women’s Weekend Retreat in June, I completed it in seven weeks. When it’s your passion is digests easily—what can I say? I submitted my essays and waited for an email. On Saturday I received notice that I am now a Canfield Certified Trainer in the Success Principles!
A twenty year evolution from hearing his first program, Self-Esteem and Peak Performance after I left my abusive marriage in 1996 to today. Now I’m part of a worldwide movement to help people just like you, improve your quality of life, drop the excuses, take action and LIVE the life you dream of. Anything is possible – the only limits you have in life are the ones you place in your path. I know because I’ve done it.
I would be honored if you would join me on my mission to help you and others you know breakthrough barriers, experience amazing transformation and turn your dreams into realities.
There are still a few seats available for my seminar this Saturday, July 30th, The GPS to Success, High Performance Tools to get from where you are to where you want to be. Click here to register now.
If you prefer a smaller group and evening classes, click here to register for The Playbook, Everything you need to create a winning strategy for the game of life.
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