10 Simple Goals to Improve Your Quality of Life in 2016
I’m not into resolutions. If you’re not ready to set a goal with the intention of reaching it, then there’s no point in doing so. If you’re ready to improve your quality of life, dream more, get more, give more and share more—here’s some simple goals that are easy to adopt for the New Year.
1. Save five dollar bills
Save every five dollar bill that comes into your hand. Stash them in a safe place and watch them add up. Use them for extra vacation money, to get that thing you really want and don’t have money for, or let them add up for a bigger purchase. The is a really fun way to save some extra cash.
2. Start a gratitude journal
Start every day by writing down at least three things you’re grateful for. This will put an amazing spin your day.
3. Read one book every month
Study things you want to know more about, read for relaxation and entertainment. At the end of the year you will have read 12 books.
4. Eat Breakfast
Put fuel in your tank and in your brain to increase your productivity and energy. And stop saying “I can’t eat breakfast.” You can.
Start the New Year off with my herbal colon cleanse.
Lose a few pounds, exchange fatigue for energy, reduce cravings and feel in control again!
5. Bask in Nature
Get outside for exercise without your phone, music or conversation. Just BE in nature and soak it in.
6. Speak to Strangers
Say hello to people you meet when you’re out and about. Give them a (genuine) compliment. Be kind and treat other people like you wish they would treat you.
7. Create a budget
Once you’ve got it, stick to it. A budget does you no good unless you use it to help you save money, cover bills and stay in awareness about your financial situation. If you want a template, email me.
8. Focus only on what you want
Ignore people and thoughts that distract you from your path to getting what you want. Don’t give voice to what you don’t want and fly above the negativity.
9. Watch for the Solution
When an obstacle, problem or disheartening event happens in your life, look for the solution. Ask yourself “What am I to learn from this experience?”
10. Fall in love with life!
If you don’t love your life—change it! Remember that it is a choice, even how you perceive it.
Those are ten pretty simple goals you can adapt for 2016. Do you want more? Are you reach to be an overachiever this year? Keep reaching, these are for you.
10 goals for people who are serious about creating success 2016
1. Save 25% (or more) of your paycheck
Many wealthy people got that way because they learned to live on 50% of their paycheck and saved or invested the rest. Start with 25% and work up from there.
2. Live in Gratitude
Start every day by writing down at least ten things you’re grateful for. Look for opportunities all day to say thank you and express gratitude to anyone who is helpful to you.
3. Read one book every week
Become an expert in your field and things you’re passionate about. At the end of the year you will have read 52 books!
4. Eat whole foods and eliminate processed sugar
Prepare meals with whole foods and skip the boxes, packages and preservatives. Avoid any processed sugar. Your body, immune system and skin will thank you.
5. Identify and eliminate beliefs that no longer serve you
Be honest, what beliefs and stories do you keep repeating that are in your way? Identifying beliefs you know are no longer true will catapult you to bigger success. This is an area where it is beneficial to seek help so you’re honest with yourself. (Just ask my clients.)
6. Spend 10-20 minutes a day making it REAL
Take the time on a daily basis to visualize what you want in your life. Make it as real as possible and change the story every day. Make it fun!
7. Plan for “Me Time” and honor it
Block time in your calendar daily, (start with weekly if this is new) and honor your appointment with yourself. Start with 30 minutes and work up to an hour or more.
8. Eliminate “Can’t” from your vocabulary
Using the words can’t, have to and try are disempowering and set you up for failure. You’ll never accomplish anything that includes the word “can’t.”
9. Take Responsibility
Remember than you always have a choice, even if it is how you respond to an event. Take responsibility for your health, your finances, your relationships and where you are in life. If you aren’t happy with where you are—make the decision to improve it.
10. Hire a Coach
Successful people have coaches—period. To reach serious levels of success you need an honest, open collaborator. When you hire a coach you have someone who guides you, holds up the mirror so you can see where you’re in your own way, (or hiding) and helps you identify and face your fears. A coach can serve as your personal strategist and gets you back on track when things aren’t moving or you just feel stuck. Schedule a complimentary session today.
Your purpose here on this planet is to find your strength, follow your passion an learn to manifest the life you want to live. In the end it isn’t about what you achieve, but who you become on the journey.
Coach Lori